Welcome to the home page of the ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Delay Tolerant
Networks (WDTN 2005)
Technical Area
Today, the most successful network architecture is that of the Internet.
It has scaled well beyond the original plan of its designers, and the
Internet Protocol has been carried on a great number of underlying protocols,
including itself. However, the Internet's protocol architecture suffers
some problems when implemented on classes of networks for which it was
not originally designed. For example, when disconnection and reconnection
is common, or link performance is highly variable or extreme, one or
more of the traditional Internet protocols do not work well. In this
workshop, we wish to explore physical networks that operate significantly
differently from wired, connected networks and the protocol architectures
and algorithms used to deal with such situations. Techniques for making
applications tolerant to disruptions and/or high delays are also requested.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: Wednesday April 6, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: Tuesday May 10, 2005
Camera Ready Deadline: Wednesday June 1, 2005
Workshop Date: August 26, 2005